Williams and Tollet (2000) describe a number of features of good web design for novice designers. As a word of caution, there are a few features of web design ideas proposed by Williams and Tollet that this tutorial routinely breaks. Yet, as has been seen by other sites within this tutorial (see Movado), they exist as a best practice
Non-Designer's Web Book
The authors describe four principles, which are alignment, proximity, repetition, and contrast as well as provide a check list of
dos and
don'ts. The four principles are outlined below and the checklists are left to the reader to investigate on his/her own.
Alignment refers to items lining up with one another. Whether it be text, graphics or other items within a page, it is suggested that alignment remain consistent throughout a page.
Proximity relates to the physical relationship that exists between two objects due to distance between those objects. When items are juxtaposed close together, the items form a connection and meaning to the viewer.
Repetition is the design feeling that makes a collection of web pages appear to be a site. There are certain graphical, layout, and text considerations that contribute to the appearence.
Contrast is the element of a page that allows the viewer to form a focal point. When opposites of size, color, spatial arrangement, or style exist, it brings meaning to the page by sparking interest in the viewer.
The following sites will be reviewed according to William and Tollet's principles and checklists: