There are some teachers who are too willing to send a student to an administrator, like a dean, when handling a student at an early stage of a student-teacher conflict. The scenario is one when a teacher has a certain objective in mind and a student inhibits progress toward the objective.
The problem with sending a student prematurely to an outsider to settle a situation is it sends a clear message to all students. The message is the teacher cannot handle the student. A much more powerful position would be a teacher handling all student behaviors, consequently sending a much more commanding message of classroom management to students.

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A document, called a
Successful Classrooms (Karadimos, 2007) can help teachers adopt a proactive model for dealing with challenging situations, possibly before they occur.
An advanced strategy, one that dramatically raises the chances of success with all students, would include the following elements:
- Cultivating Students
- Paperwork
- Prosocial Skills Training